China warns investors in herbal ingredient market

China’s Administration for Market Regulation recently published anti-monopoly guidelines for thepharmaceutical sector, including teas and herbs used in Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM).


The guidelines suggest closer scrutiny of unregulated tea and herbal ingredientmarkets.


Investment activity in tea and herbshit arecord high in July as some medicinal leaves, roots, and bark tripled in price.


Trading has been brisk in the premium Pu'er sector of the tea market. Experts say Pu’er, typically sold in 137g “cakes,” improves in quality as it ages. Pu’er cakes are traded and collected much like vintage wine.


The tea futures market is and alwayshas been highly unregulated. No one except the participants oversee it. Investors should be on high alert.



Source: STiR Coffee & Tea (Extracts), Courtesy: Tea Exporters’ Association Sri Lanka

About F&W

Forbes & Walker was set up in 1881 as a partnership between James Forbes and Chapmen Walker. Although there is no actual record of the date on which it was established the very first cash book, still in the possession of the Finance Director, indicates the brokerages were earned from 1st August 1881. In Sir Thomas Villiers' book “Mercantile Lore” the date of establishment of Forbes & Walker has been put down      Read More...

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